What is it?

Cos’è il Pellet

Pellet is the fuel that saves energy and at the same time safeguards the environment.
It is a wooden cylinder born from the pressing (very thrust) of virgin wood previously pulped.
Thanks to the pressing , the calorific power of the pellet,is about twice as much as the firewood ,with the same volume but not the weight.

The pellet doesn’t require any type of binder or additive and must be used in suitable and certified stoves.


pellet green

Qualità del Pellet

The pellet quality is an essential factor, both as regards the energy yield of the product that for a correct operation of the combustion source. In fact, there are several certification protocols that involve all aspects of pellet quality starting from the raw material up to the finished product.

Pellet quality is influenced by some parameters, which are:

It expresses the energy yield of the product.

It expresses the maximum burning of pellets.

It expresses the residual moisture content after the drying step of the chip, however necessary to guarantee the compactness of the pellet.

The pellet color may vary from a light (beige) shade to a darker shade (hazelnut). This variation depend on the trunks seasoning and the presence or absence of bark.

Thanks to sophisticated systems, it is possible to use whitening agents with the aim of make the dark shade of the pellet clearer, but without improving its performance.

PELLET4U is made of 100% coniferous wood.

Pellet non di qualità: inconvenienti

Poor pellet quality can cause a number of disadvantages that can affect both the heat output of the plant and the integrity of the boilers causing deposits, corrosion and combustion difficulties.

Below we summarize the most frequent disadvantages by indicating the probable causes:

  • il pellet contiene alta percentuale di corteccia, residui di semi o altra biomassa con un contenuto di  ceneri più alto rispetto al legno vergine;
  • il pellet contiene additivi come impurità o sabbia;
  • il pellet contiene prodotti di rifiuto.
  • il pellet contiene alta percentuale di corteccia, residui di semi o altra biomassa con basso punto di fusione;
  • il pellet contiene additivi come impurità o sabbia;
  • il pellet contiene prodotti di rifiuto.
  • il pellet contiene biomassa che non sia legno vergine o altri materiali con un elevato livello di elementi volatili come cloro e zolfo.
  • il pellet contiene una elevata presenza di polveri;
  • il pellet contiene un elevato tasso di umidità.